$31,000 OTF Grant from the Ontario Government Gives Community a “Lift”
Sunday, September 22, 2024
On Sunday, local MPP Sheref Sabawy attended a dedication ceremony at Erin Mills United Church (EMUC) for an upgraded lift, funded by $31,000 Capital Grant from the provincial government’s Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF). The project will continue to allow the provision of accessible space to the community.
“Accessibility is of critical importance for community spaces, ensuring that all people are able to fairly and equitably gather together without hindrance,” said Sheref Sabawy, Member of Provincial Parliament for Mississauga —Erin Mills. “Thanks to funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation and the Government of Ontario, a rehabilitated lift at the Erin Mills United Church will allow community members to continue gathering at this important space for many years to come.”
In recent years, the lift to the Church’s bottom level was showing signs of wear and needed an upgrade. The funds awarded by OTF funded this necessary improvement to lift. Now, community members of all abilities will continue to be able to access both levels of the building.
“We are thankful for OTF’s support, as we strive to provide a welcoming, supportive and a safe space to our congregation and the community at large,” said Kathy Andres, Chair of the EMUC Leadership Circle. “Our space is used by the community for meetings, tutoring classes for children, support groups for adults, music concerts and recitals for all ages, adult fitness activities and summer programs for children and youth”
Erin Mills United Church located at the corner of Winston Churchill Blvd and The Collegeway was opened in 1992. The Mission of EMUC is to offer opportunities for people of all backgrounds, social situations, sexual orientations and gender identities, to experience the love of God through Jesus Christ. Supporting our community partners in their work is a manifestation of this mission. Please visit our website at www.emuc.ca.
The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is an agency of the Ontario government with a mission to build healthy and vibrant communities across the province. Last year, OTF invested more than $110M into 1,044 community projects and multi-sector partnerships. Projects aim to enhance economic well-being, foster more active lifestyles, support child and youth development, provide spaces for people to come together and connect, and create a more sustainable environment. Visit otf.ca to learn more.
Organization Contact for Media Inquiries:
David Leeder, Treasurer
Erin Mills United Church
905-820-9466 // office@emuc.ca